Friday, August 16, 2013

Interview on CEM-Network

If you missed Michaelson Williams live interview on the CEM-Network internet TV show yesterday you can catch it on this YouTube link below. Host Steve Toth interviews me about my book Trainwashing: The Secrets of Positive Brain Washing. Enjoy! After you watch this video and if you are ready for expansion and enlightenment of mind get the book. Trainwashing:The Secrets of Positive Brain Washing
The Secrets of Positive Brain Washing. Get your copy Today! It will surely change your life for the better. Critical Thinking coupled with the Law of Attraction is the recipe for true success in life.

Trainwashing: The Secrets of Positive Brain Washing

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Published Books By: Michaelson Williams

Grab a book by me Michaelson Williams on today!

Monday, February 11, 2013

Brain Training

From the book of Trainwashing: The Secrets of Positive Brain Washing "Being successful in a world where most people believe success can only be for the few can be a daunting task. Our minds are not trained to be successful on a grand scale. We are conditioned to think and believe otherwise until life has passed us by. Then we feel it is too late for true success. Most people do believe they can make small successes in life but at the same time believe the greater successes in life are unattainable. True success is for the "other guy", is what people tell themselves. People feel guilty about creating success for themselves."

Friday, February 8, 2013

Big Glass Door: Part 2

Part: 2 Trainwashing: Trusting Your Senses

Now these five doors and one window are our entire life experience. Everything that happens to you, everything you learn, everything that you do, and how you live, are contained within this space. So let's touch on each of the components of this space from a different point of view. Starting with the four doors in which you have almost complete trust. The first door, smell, you absolutely trust that what you smell is exactly what it should be. Next, you trust in what you touch. Therefore whatever you touch, its texture, whether smooth or rough, you trust that what you're touching is believable.

Third, your hearing, which you trust based on the sounds that go into your ears, register in your brain exactly what it should be. You do not mistake a car horn for a train horn or a baby crying for an airplane flying overhead. The next door that you trust is taste. You know if something tastes good to you and you know if something tastes bad to you. If something tastes good then you savor and enjoy the taste. There are also direct signals to the brain which increase the amount of enjoyment. On the other hand, if something tastes bad to you, you may spit it out.

The next item in this box or room is your window or your sight. This window is at the top of your other four major senses and the less aware sixth sense. You trust what you see because sight is one of the most important senses that we have to create (in a normal situation) life experiences. If we think about it, sight is probably the most important sense that we think we have in our awareness of emotional experiences.

You think that what you see is true and to your brain this is correct. For the most part the sight window, as it applies to our room, is a very reliable sense with the exception of when it comes to negative brainwashing. When it comes to negative brainwashing your sight will betray you every single time. The reason your eye sight can betray you is because your sight cannot pick up if someone is trying to deliberately deceive you. This applies to humans in non face to face interaction and as it relates to our sight space in our room or box.

The sense that we rely on the most, sight, is one that can be deceived or used against us negatively in order to alter our life's experience. You may be saying "well I trust what I see more than anything" but have you ever attended a magic show and tried to figure out exactly what the magician had done in order to trick you into thinking he sawed a woman in half? No matter how hard you look at the trick your eyes and brain could not figure out exactly how it was done.

From your experience the woman was sawed in half. Your brain believed even though logic and reason tell you it did not happen. In your mind you still believe the woman was cut completely in half right before your eyes. So here's my point, the more you program through visual stimulation, negativity and lack of success,or things that do not bring you success and will not bring you success, the less likely you are to become successful.

What would you do if you had the secret to having whatever you wanted in life? What would you give to yourself? How would you choose to live your life? Who would you help in one way or another?

For more on Trainwashing and how to stop thinking in the 99 percentile and start becoming the financial 1 percent read: Trainwashing: The Secrets of Positive Brain Washing.

Critical Thinking articles, original motivational quotes, and other book projects by Michaelson Williams can be found here, visit:

Mind Control and The Law of Attraction

Big Glass Door and How It Applies to Your Sixth Sense

Part 1: Trainwashing:

Let's think about Trainwashing in this way. The successes and failures we've had to date, as well as the successes and failures we can imagine for the future, all stem from our life experiences since childhood. From early childhood we use our five senses in order to judge and guide us through this experience we call our life. We rely on what we see, our sense of sight. We rely on our sense of smell.

Our sense of touch sends signals to our brain about what is hot, cold, or has texture. We absorb this information for later use in life. We rely on our sense of hearing to get messages from other people who tell us how we are to live this life experience. Our sense of taste allows us to eat certain things, which bring us pleasure or make us gag. These are the five senses we are very aware of them because we use them daily.

So we know that our five senses are activated from birth in order to create this experience that we call life. Our five senses guide us on our journey of life until we are old and gray and our senses begin to fail. The human senses allow us to have perceptions of what is good, bad, what we are doing right, and what we are doing wrong during our life experiences.

But these five senses are not always accurate in developing the experiences that will allow for a completely successful life. Furthermore, they may not allow humans to be able to attract and manifest whatever it is that we want in life. These five senses can be tricked into giving false feedback which will completely hinder whether we are able to attract into our lives a life that is completely successful.

In our human experience we also have a sixth sense. The sixth sense is very much a part of our entire life's experience and may be the most important sense that we have and yet the least utilized. I would go even further to say that our sixth sense is the one that we trust the least but is the most important to develop in order to achieve and attract into our life everything that we wish.

First let's talk about the five senses and how they apply to the human experience and how it applies to what you can attract into your life or into this experience. Then I will discuss how the very important senses apply to the Trainwashing experience.

Think about everything you experience in life from childhood as if it is a box or room in which information is stored. I say a box or room because our minds are mass storage centers which store and keep all of the data in our lives. The information that you take in to this box or this one room is the information that you will be able to pull from at a later date whether conscious or unconscious.

In the end, this box or room contains your complete life experience and is also the fabric of how you live and think about the value and quality of your life. The information that you put into this box or that is put into this room by others is the information that you are able to pull out to utilize during this life experience. Now obviously we do not choose all of the information that we put into our boxes or our room on our own.

The information that goes into this room when we are children is mostly dictated by our parents or guardian. This information, believe it or not, is the beginning of your brainwashing. Yes, Brainwashing. The information that is put into our mind, into this room, can be positive brainwashing or negative brainwashing. So how does this box or room work for and against us as we strive for better life and human experience?
Let's say within the contents of this box or room we have at the top one big window.

We also have within this space five separate doors, the last one being a Big Glass Door. We were born with this window and five doors. The window and doors are your five senses and one sense you are less aware at this point in life, your sixth sense. The window at the top is your sight. The first door below the window is your sense of smell. The second door is your sense of touch. The third door is hearing. The fourth is taste. The filth big glass door is your sixth sense.

For more on Trainwashing and how to stop thinking in the 99 percentile and start thinking in the financial 1 percent read Trainwashing: The Secrets of Positive Brain Washing.

Critical Thinking articles, original motivational quotes, and other book projects by Michaelson Williams can be found here, visit: http://michaelsonwilliams.c

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Michaelson Williams proves with his new philosophy, new psychology, and new fitness that anyone can take complete control of their own health and fitness in order to achieve a healthier lifestyle.

New Book Press Release: Michaelson Williams is a longtime fitness consultant and personal trainer and has spent over 20 years developing a new philosophy and psychology about health and fitness. In his new book "I’m Core Fit: Success in One Day for the Rest of Your Life!" Michaelson shares his thoughts and ideas in order to help his clients and others on their journey to better health and fitness.

Michaelson draws from his many years as an experienced personal trainer to find and fix the holes in a very broken healthcare and fitness industry. With his philosophy and psychology of "baby step" he says the health and fitness success rate should increase exponentially. He aspires to create one of the top fitness books of 2013 and a top fitness blog which will create self awareness in people who want to be in complete control of their own lives.

Michaelson has developed a system of training he refers to as “line of sight” which he employs during virtual training sessions with clients on "I’m CloudFit", his online health and fitness company. Michaelson’s clients get to experience “True Anytime, Anywhere” , line of sight fitness training over the Internet. Michaelson wrote his fitness books and developed a critical thinking website to ensure anyone who comes in contact with his ideas and philosophies have the greatest chance of success on their journey.

Michaelson created his new system of training in order to change the way people think about health and fitness. Michaelson states “there are no 30 day shred programs, 30 day fitness challenges, or fitness quick fixes that will straighten out the problems of obesity in this country or around the world”. He says “it’s time for people to take control of their own health, fitness, and total longevity”.

Michaelson has written multiple books in different genres; all of his books deal with the psychology of the human mind and how people can heal themselves through self awareness and better health. At his website Michaelson Williams and in his book there are fitness success stories from some of his current and past clientele.