Wednesday, December 26, 2012

I'm Core Fit Book Trailer

New Book Trailer for Michaelson Williams new book I'm Core Fit: Success in One Day for the Rest of Your Life!

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Natural Selection and Critical Thinking

Why do humans feel the need to save every living creature on the planet? It seems like every week I'm getting an e-mail from someone to support some cause. What is it in the human psyche that allows us to believe that we understand Mother Nature and natural selection better than nature itself. All of these single-minded, non-thinking, and non-critical thinking people who feel the need to save every living thing on the planet are wrong. If humans were meant to say if every living creature on the planet there would be no mother nature and there would be no natural selection. Natural selection is put into place in order to guarantee that the strongest of all species are left on the planet. This is a very simple concept and yet as smart as humans think they are their ego will not allow them to grasp this idea properly.

If we use critical thinking we would be able to deduce that if every living species and creature on the planet is allowed to live and natural selection is not allowed to take its course the entire species is weakened. Now I'm sure there is someone out there thinking that every living creature on the planet has a right to be here and a right to live. This idea is further from the truth when we are talking about natural selection. In nature animals that are not producing offspring that are healthy and strong natural selection kills them off. In nature strong mothers who bear weak offspring will naturally kill the weak baby. There are people that believe that this act is inhumane and I agree 100%. The act of an animal killing its sick and weak or broken offspring is inhumane but they are not human therefore it is a natural process. I would go on to argue that it is a necessary absolute natural process.

People who believe they are doing justice by stopping this natural process of nature are not using critical thinking. They allowing their own ego to get in the way, and showing a God like arrogance. When humans feel they can take the place of Mother Nature or the natural processes of the planet it can only in horribly. Humans do not have the capability because of emotion to make decisions on whom and what should live and who and what should die on this planet. It is arrogant to think we know better than Mother Nature. It is arrogant to think we should interrupt the process of natural selection. There is a great deal of animals that will kill or discard their offspring if touched by human hands. If you just use common sense you can come to the conclusion Mother Nature does not want or need human intervention. This means humans keep your hands off and ideas of saving every living creature out of Mother Nature’s business.

Now I hate to see animals kill their helpless little offspring but that is an emotional response. Our emotion has to be controlled and sometimes completely eliminated in order to use critical thinking. If we are able to calm our emotions and keep ego in check the understanding, every human on the planet should not be alive should also come to mind. This idea may be very hard to swallow but it is the absolute truth. We have doctors who play God and want to save every single human on the planet. Humans are only yet another species of animal therefore natural selection has to also take place in order for our species to thrive. If we allow every unintelligent person to breed and have offspring who are a little more unintelligent than their parents, then in a few generations what will we have? Will we eventually breed ourselves back into the Stone-Age? Don't let these questions Shake your emotions, sit back for a second inhale, exhale and then think about the question.

I do not mean that someone should decide who’s smart and should live and who’s dumb (unintelligent) and should die. This would interfere with the process of natural selection. What I'm saying is, if we allow natural selection to take place as it does and should in the animal kingdom we should also allow the process in humanity. Harsh as it may seem it is the way this planet was setup to function. If you interrupt the natural function or natural flow of anything you disrupted the process and the processes become weaker. The funny thing is human intervention no matter how hard we try can only last for so long. Over time nature and the processes of natural selection will take place no matter how hard humans try to intervene. Human intervention and the “we must save this, we must save that” attitude cannot prevail over the natural processes of this planet.

As long as humans are under the mindset that they can save every living creature on the planet and every species on the planet we will eventually destroy ourselves. Think about this, an animal with a birth defect in nature by chance is allowed to breed. That birthed defect is carried on to the next generation, within a couple of generations the group, if they survive that long will become weaker, not able to hunt, and will even die off. If there is another stronger group and these two groups meet one group will eventually conquers the other weaker group. This is the process of natural selection. Natural selection cannot be avoided, it can only be slowed down but eventually the process of natural selection continues. Humans trying to interrupt nature and natural selection can only slow the process to a short time. Eventually the process will catch up with us and balance will be attained. The planet will find balance even if it means killing off an enormous amounts of the human population.

In closing, I would like to say the next time you see natural selection at work and your emotions compel you to step-in, stop, think, and then let the process happen. Sometimes humans are just not meant to interfere in the affairs of planetary balance. Natural selection is not a negative occurrence; instead it is a positive and necessary occurrence on this planet. Use the brain which has been allowed to evolve within your body to evoke critical thinking. Then try to understand how to become more like nature and have less of a God complex. Allow yourself to understand that these processes are necessary to the equilibrium of this planet.
We as humans cannot save or kill Mother-Earth but the Mother-Earth can save or kill us and to think any other way is just foolish.

Author/Critical Thinker
Michaelson Williams

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More expert articles on Ezine Articles

Be sure to check out more great article from Michaelson Williams on Ezine Articles.

Monday, December 10, 2012

Trainwashing New Positive Brainwashing

What is the ultimate question you need to ask yourself about the way you think and live today?

Before anything else in order to fully understand what “Trainwashing” is you must first ask yourself the ultimate question about why you think the way you think today. Once this question has been fully accepted and understood only then shall you be able to “Trainwash” your brain in order to achieve complete success.

The Question:
Ask yourself with complete honesty why do you believe what you believe today, right now in life?
The answer to this question is you believe what you believe and think the way you think because you have been conditioned or brainwashed to do so-nothing more. When you are ready to accept this fact only then will the contents of this book be helpful enough for you to make the necessary changes in life to achieve great success. Let go of the bonds which have rendered you stagnant and get ready to move forward and upward as you learn the secrets of “Trainwashing”.

The Secrets of Positive Brain Washing
Stop Thinking In The 99 Percentile and Become The Financial 1 %
By: Michaelson Williams

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Coming Soon!
New book by Michaelson Williams to be released before the new year. Learn the financial secrets the financial 1% may not want you to know. Stay tuned for some very exciting reading! It's time for you to break the chains of poverty, mediocrity, and down right necessity and get your piece of the action.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Do WE need Critical Thinking?

How important is Critical Thinking? Can we do without it? Does it even make a difference whether we understand how to use critical thinking in our everyday lives? Here is the dilemma. Without Critical Thinking everything you believe in your mind, you believe is true, no matter how little you understand what you believe. Support this project, support Critical Thinking. Please share with others! Thank you!!

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Cyber Bullying/Bullying and Critical Thinking

     Cyber bullying or any other bullying is not a crime nor should it be treated as such in my opinion and if critical thinking were used to view this controversial subject. Now stop right here before you rip this post a part think about this article then take a step further and use critical thinking. Children, teenagers and adults who commit suicide because of" bullying, cyber bullying" are not prepared for life. Although I do not advocate the harming of others by verbal abuse or otherwise it is a product of human nature. Sense the beginning of historical times people have used verbal tones to get what they wanted from someone else. This is in fact bullying.
     The only reason a person would use “cyber bullying or bullying” as an excuse for suicide is because they are ill-prepared for the obstacles and turmoil’s of normal life. We should not ask for a government mandate or for government to step in and arrest people for “bullying or cyber bullying” because people commit suicide. We do not need more government in our lives. Those of you who are posting videos and asking for people to be arrested and government intervention because of cyber bullying are not deeply thinking about the subject. Those of you who are asking for government mandate are working off of emotion and not using critical thinking. Although it is a sad when a young person commits suicide asking for more government in our lives is not the answer but instead a complete and utter mistake.

     I am going to be as frank as possible when I say that it is exclusively the responsibility and the complete fault of the parents when a child commits suicide. Parents are quick to point the finger at someone else instead of taking responsibility for their poor, distant, and at best weak parenting skills. Most children are bullied at some point in their academic life. If a child has siblings they have been and will be bullied at some point. What are we teaching our children if we even suggesting “checking out” is the best way to deal with the certainty of being bullied. We are bullied and pushed around by our government, we are bullied and pushed around by law enforcement, and we are bullied and pushed around by military. Bullying is a fact of life. It is a product of the human experience. Always was and always will be. If we try to make a world or society that is fully free of every human experience we consider bad or unacceptable we are likely to snuff out true greatness within humans. How many people have achieved greatness through the adversities put upon them by their peers as adolescents and young adults?

     Parents it is your responsibility to be involved in your children's lives. The whole “hands off approach” to parenting is totally ridiculous. Then when something goes horribly wrong like child suicide no one wants to take the blame. Parents are quick to put their children on antidepressants and other drugs that are clearly labeled “may increase thoughts of suicide” and we believe it is okay to do this. There are going to be parents even after reading this post that will still be unable to use critical thinking about the topics.  You parents refusing to think about this subject without extreme emotion, you are a huge part of your children's psychological problems. With direct intervention from parents there would likely be little to no teen suicides because of bullying/cyber bullying.

     At every stage in life from preschool, middle school to high school and college children are trying to find their place, establishing a hierarchy within the clan or group. This means at some point your child will be tested. I know this firsthand because I was a product of bullying. I believe this bullying and place finding is what helped shape the strong person that I am today. The children who are dealing with bullying today are being shaped for greatness tomorrow. This shaping not only molds the individual child, but it shapes our future society. If we are shaping the society that punishes or jails people for “cyber bullying” than we are shaping a society that will not be able to defend itself from bully threats of other nations.

     Parents take on the responsibility of being involved in your children’s lives. Stop letting your child raise him or herself without proper intervention and involvement from you. Stop using pharmaceutical drugs as an answer for your lazy and uninvolved parenting skills. Sit your children down and prepare them for the trials and tribulations of true life not this euphoric, namby-pamby, all things politically correct, fairytale that television brainwashing tries to sell to them. Parents if you truly love your children you will make sure your child/children are prepared fully for the realism's of true life in this society.
What do you (think) not feel and who do you think is ultimately responsible for results of young people and suicide over “Bullying”? Please comment.

Author/Critical Thinker: Michaelson Williams