Sunday, November 4, 2012

Cyber Bullying/Bullying and Critical Thinking

     Cyber bullying or any other bullying is not a crime nor should it be treated as such in my opinion and if critical thinking were used to view this controversial subject. Now stop right here before you rip this post a part think about this article then take a step further and use critical thinking. Children, teenagers and adults who commit suicide because of" bullying, cyber bullying" are not prepared for life. Although I do not advocate the harming of others by verbal abuse or otherwise it is a product of human nature. Sense the beginning of historical times people have used verbal tones to get what they wanted from someone else. This is in fact bullying.
     The only reason a person would use “cyber bullying or bullying” as an excuse for suicide is because they are ill-prepared for the obstacles and turmoil’s of normal life. We should not ask for a government mandate or for government to step in and arrest people for “bullying or cyber bullying” because people commit suicide. We do not need more government in our lives. Those of you who are posting videos and asking for people to be arrested and government intervention because of cyber bullying are not deeply thinking about the subject. Those of you who are asking for government mandate are working off of emotion and not using critical thinking. Although it is a sad when a young person commits suicide asking for more government in our lives is not the answer but instead a complete and utter mistake.

     I am going to be as frank as possible when I say that it is exclusively the responsibility and the complete fault of the parents when a child commits suicide. Parents are quick to point the finger at someone else instead of taking responsibility for their poor, distant, and at best weak parenting skills. Most children are bullied at some point in their academic life. If a child has siblings they have been and will be bullied at some point. What are we teaching our children if we even suggesting “checking out” is the best way to deal with the certainty of being bullied. We are bullied and pushed around by our government, we are bullied and pushed around by law enforcement, and we are bullied and pushed around by military. Bullying is a fact of life. It is a product of the human experience. Always was and always will be. If we try to make a world or society that is fully free of every human experience we consider bad or unacceptable we are likely to snuff out true greatness within humans. How many people have achieved greatness through the adversities put upon them by their peers as adolescents and young adults?

     Parents it is your responsibility to be involved in your children's lives. The whole “hands off approach” to parenting is totally ridiculous. Then when something goes horribly wrong like child suicide no one wants to take the blame. Parents are quick to put their children on antidepressants and other drugs that are clearly labeled “may increase thoughts of suicide” and we believe it is okay to do this. There are going to be parents even after reading this post that will still be unable to use critical thinking about the topics.  You parents refusing to think about this subject without extreme emotion, you are a huge part of your children's psychological problems. With direct intervention from parents there would likely be little to no teen suicides because of bullying/cyber bullying.

     At every stage in life from preschool, middle school to high school and college children are trying to find their place, establishing a hierarchy within the clan or group. This means at some point your child will be tested. I know this firsthand because I was a product of bullying. I believe this bullying and place finding is what helped shape the strong person that I am today. The children who are dealing with bullying today are being shaped for greatness tomorrow. This shaping not only molds the individual child, but it shapes our future society. If we are shaping the society that punishes or jails people for “cyber bullying” than we are shaping a society that will not be able to defend itself from bully threats of other nations.

     Parents take on the responsibility of being involved in your children’s lives. Stop letting your child raise him or herself without proper intervention and involvement from you. Stop using pharmaceutical drugs as an answer for your lazy and uninvolved parenting skills. Sit your children down and prepare them for the trials and tribulations of true life not this euphoric, namby-pamby, all things politically correct, fairytale that television brainwashing tries to sell to them. Parents if you truly love your children you will make sure your child/children are prepared fully for the realism's of true life in this society.
What do you (think) not feel and who do you think is ultimately responsible for results of young people and suicide over “Bullying”? Please comment.

Author/Critical Thinker: Michaelson Williams

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