Thursday, July 30, 2015

Top 10 Reasons for Failure in Life and Why

top 10 reasons for failure

Top 10 Reasons for Failure

in Life and Why

As a preface, I would like to mention to anyone reading this Top 10 list or any of my other top list; that this information is based upon personal opinion and my own research. The“Top 10” lists do not follow mainstream ideas set forth by political correctness standards. In other words this information can be ignored and taken with a grain of salt or implemented as a tool for positive change. The choice is ultimately up to the reader. I have researched very comprehensively the matters which I discuss in each of my Top 10 list; however, do not make any guarantees of success here. Any materials suggested in this or other lists are completely of the opinion of the individual authors and I make no claims of the validity of their work. Much of the information in these “Top 10” list is based upon personal experience and research for my published works. How you use this information is entirely up to the reader. I wish each and every one of my reader the very best of success. Happy Journeying! Read more Top 10‘sat link below.
  1. Upbringing or the Way You were Reared
    • We are heavily influenced by the environment in which we are reared. And when I say “heavily” what I mean is, the environment shapes our entire reality up until a certain age. Some residual conditioning if gone unchecked can last a lifetime. So why do many people seem almost destined to fail in life? I believe that many times parents fail to program the child’s minds away from the negative conditioning which they possess themselves. Have you ever heard the phrase “the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree”? This principle is very true when it comes to how we are conditioned in the early stages of life. However, the programming we start with as children isn’t necessarily what has to continue throughout the entire life journey. At some point the programming of the mind become the responsibility of the user. By reading this Top 10 list you are engaging in reprogramming negative conditioning. Congratulations!
  1. Negative Brainwashing
    • Defeatist brainwashing comes in many different forms and through conduits which most people do not even realize. Parent’s young and old alike are many time completely unaware of the failure indoctrination of failure being induced on their children, by their hand. If an adult does not understand his or her own negative brainwashing, how can they have a clue about creating such an environment for their children? You don’t. Over and over the processes of negative conditioning are past down to the next generation assuring a new group of “productive members of society”. Slaves in my opinion. Moreover, if you are thinking that slavery in modern terms is isolated to a particular race, creed, or social situation baring the “elite” you’re wrong. Systems of social conditioning are everywhere and have been with us our entire life.
  1. Facilitating of Continued Negative Conditioning
    • Once we reach a certain age or “mind maturity” then it becomes our responsibility to facilitate what type of programming is received. So why do so many people continue the programming set in place by others such as; government, corporations, church, parents, media, etc, etc.? Plain and simple, it’s easy. Negatively programmed minds are none the wiser; therefore, continued and even amplified erroneous programming feels like home. In other words we tend to stay where we feel most comfortable, even if it is leading us nowhere. One of the greatest admissions a person may face in our time is the fact that her or she could very well be negatively brainwashing into a failure mentality.
  1. Lack of Positive Programming
    • The lack of positive programming will leave a person feeling as if they are always pushing a bolder up hill. We’ve all seen the picture of the little faceless man pushing the huge rock up a steep hill and may even wondered “is that me?” The question comes from deep with the inner-self as if the unconscious is speaking softly in our ears. The answer to the bolder question is absolutely yes, for many people. You are pushing the rock up that hill and are in many cases afraid to let that rock go. However, the rock is only there because of the lack of positive programming. Positive programming is the counter balance to all negative perceptions embedding into your world view. Take away the negative conditioning and the hill becomes flat. The bolder erodes into a smooth pebble to be skipped across the pond.

      top 10 reasons for failure
      Top 10 reasons for failure in life and why?

Monday, March 30, 2015

The MMAP Learning Center; Positive Brain Training for "True Success"

The MMAP Learning Center launched today! Positive Brain Training for True Success at your fingertips! "Change Your Mind; Change Your Life Journey, Forever". ~Michaelson Williams #success #boss #entrepreneurship #motivation #positivethinking #successquotes

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Learn From Your Mistakes, Then Move On!

Don't let your perception of failure make you an enemy to the inner-light of success.  Failures do not have to be shrugged as nothing but they also don't have to be taken as heavy burdens that the mind has much trouble carrying. Just take your failures at face value as learning experiences. That's it! It really is that simple.

"Change Your Mind; Change Your Life Journey, Forever."
~Michaelson Williams
The True Success Expert!
Founder: MMA - Masters of Mind Alliance Project
Author of CLP - Corrective Linguistic Programming; How To Achieve Your Positive Life INTUITIVELY
#successful #CLP #MMA #NLP #Betterlife #Change #failure #truewealth